Golf Performance

With the only technology that can measure and train rotational power!

Golfers often seek to improve their game by buying new equipment, playing more golf, or taking lessonsAlthough these are some possible solutions, there are many times our golf game is not a reflection of our skill as a golfer or the equipment we use. It is actually a reflection of our body’s physical limitations. Let us take you through our advanced assessment to find out what physical limitations you have that are holding your game back or causing you discomfort and pain while playing. 

According to Titleist Performance Institute (TPI), some of the most common swing limitations amateur golfers have are:

  • Loss of Posture (64.3%) - any significant alteration from the body’s original set up angles during the golf swing

  • Flat Shoulder Plane (45.2%) - when the shoulders turn on a more horizontal plane than the axis of the original spine angle

  • Early Extension (64.3%) - when the hips and spine start to go into extension or straighten up too early on the downswing

  • Casting/Early Release/Scooping (55.9%) - any premature release of the wrist angles during the downswing and through impact

  • Over-the-Top (43.5%) - when the club is thrown outside of the intended swing plane with the club head approaching the ball in an out-to-in motion 

Golf swing technique can easily contribute to these statistics, but some physical reasons may also play a part. 

These include:

  • Inability to separate the upper and lower body

  • Inadequate core stability

  • Lack of shoulder and hip flexibility, mobility, and/or stability

  • Lack of thoracic spine mobility

  • Lack of glute and/or abdominal strength

  • Wrist flexibility

  • Limited overhead deep squat